Intellectual Property
All content of this website is the intellectual property of Sun and Moon Training Limited.
Certain training materials have originated from outside agencies, writers and trainers. We credit where appropriate, but any material that has not been appropriately credited is accidental and we welcome feedback and the opportunity to rectify this. If we have used your material without attribution please contact us.
“Sun and Moon” is a pending trademark of Sun and Moon Training Limited
All text and images on this website are the copyright of Sun and Moon Training Limited 2017 and may not be reproduced without permission. Certain images have been licensed, and the copyright holders are credited. For media/press enquiries we have included a Media and Press Information resources page with copy and images that may be used – but only after approval has been given by Sun and Moon Training Limited. If you have any queries about the use of any material from this website, please contact us.
We take the issue of our intellectual property very seriously and will vigourously defend it.